How To Manually Register And .exe File
DANSrv Reference | ![]() |
Control Line Arguments | |
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The server supports the usual COM server self-registration commands:
- /RegServer or -RegServer
- /Service or -Service
- /UnregServer or - UnregServer
The argument handling is case insensitive.
In Installers the DANSrv executable tin can be started with the appropriate command line arguments.
To do the registration manually a BAT file or a shortcut to the DANSrv executable needs to be created with the appropriate command line arguments.
To simplify the regular registration as the process the RegServer.exe utility is provided.
Server registered as Windows Service
The DANSrv runs as a Windows service when its registered with /Service.
Sample: DANSrv.exe /Service respectively DANSrvNet4.exe /Service
By default the Windows service is gear up for Manual start mode. In this way the service is started when the first customer connects. The service keeps running afterward the client disconnects. information technology has to be manually stopped.
The command line statement /AutoStart tin can be added to ready Automatic outset mode. The service is started at Windows startup. The server starts into total working mode without a client being continued.
Sample: DANSrv.exe /Service /AutoStart respectivelyDANSrvNet4.exe /Service /AutoStart
Server registered as Process
The DANSrv runs as a regular process when its registered with /RegServer.
Sample: DANSrv.exe /RegServer respectively DANSrvNet4.exe /RegServer
DCOM starts the procedure when a client connects.
The process can besides be started manually by executing the DANSrv.exe file. In default mode the server starts only partially. The plug-in method CreateServerItems is NOT chosen before a client connects.
The control line argument /FullStart can be added to force full startup without a client beingness connected. This may be helpful in the debugging phase and useful in some applications.
Sample: DANSrv.exe /RegServer /FullStart respectivelyDANSrvNet4.exe /RegServer /FullStart
The FullStart manner tin also be requested from the plug-in DLL past setting the ExeStartMode statement of the GetModeDefinitions method.
How To Manually Register And .exe File,
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