
Where To Register A Dba In Chattanooga Tn

How to File a DBA in Tennessee

A Tennessee DBA (doing concern as) is called an assumed name. Getting a Tennessee DBA registration won't protect your personal avails. Forming a formal business structure similar LLC or corporation will requite you liability protection forth with a business organisation name.

Forming an LLC is the best pick for near small businesses. Learn more than in our DBA vs LLC guide.

To get started with a Tennessee DBA, cull your business organisation entity type:

  • Sole Proprietorship or Partnership (if your business is non a formal structure)
  • LLC, Corporation, or LLP (if your concern has a formal structure such equally LLC or corporation)

Register a TN DBA for a Sole Proprietorship or General Partnership

Full general partnerships and sole proprietors are required to file their Tennessee DBA with the County Clerk in the county that their business is located. Estates and real estate investment companies are also required to file with the county.

A general partnership is a business concern formed by ii or more people, without a formal business organisation structure. A sole proprietorship is a business owned by a single individual that isn't formally organized. In either example, the name of the business organisation is the same as the proper noun of the owners. A DBA can be useful in these cases for changing the name of the business to a more marketable name.

A DBA is just used for branding. A DBA doesn't offer any protection for your personal assets in the upshot that your business is sued. For this reason, we strongly recommend that a DBA should merely be used by a formal business construction such as an LLC or corporation for the purpose of adding new brands to an existing business.

If yous are running an informal business (sole proprietorship or partnership), we strongly suggest forming an LLC to separate your concern and personal assets. The name of the LLC can be selected to deed as the brand name for the business organisation.

Utilize our How to Get a DBA in Tennessee guide beneath to register a Tennessee assumed proper name for your concern. For a look at DBA filing in another country, check out our other step-by-pace How to Become a DBA guides.

Footstep one. First With a Tennessee Business Name Search

Tennessee assumed names must be unique and must also run into Tennessee's business name requirements.

First, visit the Tennessee Secretary of Land's website and search for your new DBA proper noun to make certain it isn't already in utilise.

Next, review the Tennessee naming requirements. In Tennessee, causeless names should Non include:

  • Words that could confuse your business with a authorities agency (FBI, Treasury, Land Department, etc.)
  • Words that falsely imply that your company is organized as, affiliated with, or sponsored by any congenial, veterans', service, religious, charitable, or professional system.
  • Words that imply that the company is organized for whatever unlawful purpose
    Restricted words (e.g. Banking company, Chaser, University) may require boosted paperwork and a licensed individual, such as a dr. or lawyer, to be office of your business.

We recommend checking if your name is available as a web domain (URL). You might not plan on starting a business website today, but y'all may desire to preclude others from acquiring your URL.

Find a Domain Now

In one case you reserve a domain name for your DBA, consider setting up a business telephone system to aid strengthen your customer service and boost credibility. We recommend because of its affordable pricing and variety of useful features. Outset calling with

Need Help Creating a Brand Name and Logo?

If you need help coming up with a DBA proper noun, try our business name generator. So, create a unique logo for your make with our free logo generator.

Step two. Filing a DBA in Tennessee with the Canton Clerk

Sole proprietors and partnerships are required to file a Business organization Revenue enhancement License Awarding with the advisable county clerk'south office(s) in guild to operate under a DBA.

Sole proprietors and partnerships (likewise as other types of companies) must file in any county where your business conducts or transacts concern.

We will give yous step-by-stride directions to become a Knox County DBA (Knoxville). For directions in other counties, please contact your county clerk.

You lot can detect your counties' contact information from the Tennessee Section of Acquirement.

How to File a Knox County DBA

Earlier you showtime the DBA filing process, it is a good idea to search the Knox County business database.

Once you lot have selected your name, you will then consummate the Business Taxation License Application and submit information technology to the Knox County Clerk. The certificate tin can be submitted either online or by mail.

Option one: File Online With the Tennessee County Clerk Website

File Online

- OR -

Choice 2: File the Application for Business organization Tax License by Mail

Download Form

$15 Filing Fee

Mailing Address:
Knox Canton Clerk's Part
Business Taxation Segmentation
P.O. Box 1566
Knoxville, TN 37901

Manage Your Knox County DBA

DBA Questions
Call Knox Canton at (865) 215-2392 for full general questions about business licenses, causeless names, and DBA requirements.

Renew Your DBA
Your standard business organization license is automatically renewed when you file your tax render. If y'all filed for a minimal activity license, yous will need to fill out the Application for Renewal.

Modify Your DBA
Y'all will demand to file a new registration to change the proper noun on your business organisation license.

Withdraw Your DBA
Yous tin cancel your business organisation license by submitting a final tax render through the Tennessee Department of Acquirement.

If you want to use a professional service to go a DBA for your sole proprietorship or partnership we recommend:

four point five out of five Swyft Filings ($99 + country fee)

Annals a TN DBA for an LLC, Corporation, or LLP

Incorporated businesses file their Assumed Name Registration with the Tennessee Secretary of State.

The following business organisation types are considered incorporated:

  • For-profit Corporations, Nonprofit Corporations
  • Professional Corporations, Professional Associations
  • Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships
  • Express Liability Companies
  • Any Foreign Filing Entities

You lot can file a DBA for your incorporated business yourself past using this guide. Or, use a professional service:

  • MyCompanyWorks ($99 + country fee)
  • Swyft Filings ($99 + state fee)

Step 1. Do a Tennessee Business Entity Search

Tennessee assumed names must be unique and must also meet Tennessee'southward business name requirements.

Showtime, visit the Tennessee Secretarial assistant of State'south website and search for your new DBA name to brand certain it isn't already in employ.

Next, review the Tennessee naming requirements. In Tennessee, assumed names should NOT include:

  • Words that could confuse your business organisation with a government agency (FBI, Treasury, Country Department, etc.)
  • Words that falsely imply that your company is organized as, affiliated with, or sponsored by any fraternal, veterans', service, religious, charitable, or professional person system.
  • Words that imply that the company is organized for any unlawful purpose
  • Restricted words (due east.chiliad. Bank, Attorney, University) may require boosted paperwork and a licensed private, such as a doctor or lawyer, to be part of your business organisation.

We recommend checking if your proper noun is bachelor as a web domain (URL). You might not plan on starting a business website today, but you may want to prevent others from acquiring your URL.

Observe a Domain At present

Demand Help Creating a Brand Proper name and Logo?

If you need assist coming up with a DBA name, try our business name generator. And so, create a unique logo for your brand with our free logo generator.

Step 2: Filing Your Assumed Name Registration

You are required to gear up your DBA with the Tennessee Secretarial assistant of State if your business organisation is incorporated.

The assumed name registration class will ask for your new DBA proper name and information about your business. In that location are unlike registration forms depending on your business concern structure.

OPTION i: File Online With the Tennessee Secretary of Country

File Online

- OR -

OPTION ii: File the Application for Registration of Causeless Name by Mail service or In Person


$xx Filing Fee

Filing Accost:
Corporate Filings
312 Rosa L. Parks Ave.
6th Floor, William R. Snodgrass Tower
Nashville, TN 37243

Manage Your Tennessee DBA

DBA Questions
Telephone call the Tennessee Secretarial assistant of Country: (615) 741-2286

Renew Your DBA with the State
Your causeless name must exist renewed every five years. The filing fee is $xx. You lot can renew online or by submitting one of the following renewal forms by mail or in person:

  • Corporation
  • LLC
  • LLP

Change Your DBA
Y'all tin change your causeless proper name by filling out a name change application. The filing fee is $20. Depending on your business type, submit one of these forms past mail or in person:

  • Corporation
  • LLC
  • LLP

Withdraw Your DBA
Y'all can cancel your causeless proper noun past filling out the appropriate cancellation form and paying the $20 filing fee. Depending on your business blazon, submit one of these forms by mail service or in person:

  • Corporation
  • LLC
  • LLP

If yous desire to use a professional service to get a DBA for your LLC or corporation nosotros recommend:

four point five out of five Swyft Filings ($99 + state fee)

After Filing Your Tennessee DBA

If filing a DBA marks the outset of your business journeying, then in that location are a few more steps that yous should take before getting started:

  • Create your Business'southward Website - Every business concern needs a website. Luckily, drag-and-drib builders similar GoDaddy and Wix make the job quick and like shooting fish in a barrel. Check out our Best Website Builder article to discover the tool that's best for you.
  • Get your Concern Finances in Order - Yous'll need to split up your business finances from your personal ones. This is accomplished past opening a business bank account. If your business has long lead times or other cash flow irregularities, you tin as well expect into a concern credit card.
  • Protect Your Business - While an LLC volition assist to protect your personal assets in the case of a lawsuit, your concern's avails also need protection. Having the correct concern insurance will ensure that yous're covered if the worst happens. Nearly businesses first with general liability insurance every bit their base of operations coverage.

DBA Tennessee FAQ

How many DBAs tin I have?

Y'all tin can take as many DBAs equally you tin can afford to create and are able to keep track of. Each ane comes with additional incremental expenses and paperwork, pregnant more than is non necessarily amend.

Can a DBA get an EIN or Tax ID?

DBAs aren't required to accept a separate EIN because DBAs aren't a business concern entity. The business concern entity that the DBA is under would accept an EIN if an EIN is required.

To learn more well-nigh EINs and when you demand one for your business concern, read our What is an EIN guide.

Can a DBA become an LLC?

No. An LLC is a business organization entity, while a DBA is simply a name for a business.

Sole proprietorships are often dislocated with DBAs, but they are not the aforementioned: a sole proprietorship is a business organization entity, therefore it can choose to go an LLC.

To learn how to course an LLC, visit our Form an LLC state guides.

Tin can a DBA have Inc. in the proper name?

A DBA can but have Inc. in the name if the business entity the DBA is attached to is a corporation.

How do I set up a DBA for a rental property?

Belongings a rental property in your proper noun and with a DBA volition not afford yous any protection. The all-time pick is to class an LLC to protect your personal assets in the event of an issue with the rental belongings. In whatsoever instance, it is always best to consult an attorney.

When would it be good to get a DBA versus a legal name change?

Getting a DBA is often a better selection than changing your business's legal name. If you lot want to rebrand your company or focus on another line of business, filing for a DBA is a simpler procedure than filing for a legal name change.

Is my DBA protected from existence used in other places?

Some state-level laws prevent DBAs that are too similar to existing ones from being used, merely this varies from state to state. It is possible to trademark a DBA, which would offering stronger protection across country lines.

Useful Links for Your Tennessee DBA

  • Tennessee Assumed Proper name Data
  • Tennessee Business Name Search
  • Tennessee Business organization Services
  • What is a Sole Proprietorship?
  • What is an LLC?

Tennessee Concern Resources

Where To Register A Dba In Chattanooga Tn,


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